Sugar Ninjas

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A ninja must find mental, spiritual, and physical perfection.

Zeriah (2 months o.o.p.)

Zeriah in her stealth wheel while grabbing onto my camera's wrist strap. She's always in control. =]

Health, Nutrition, Housing, Bonding.. There are many topics on sugar gliders that must be researched prior to ownership. That is why we are here. To help cover these important issues.

In order to keep your Glider alive and well there are some necessary requirements for the little ninja.

First, I suggest evaluating the pro's and con's of this particular animal. Decide what you are able to live with and be responsible enough to understand if this is not the kind of animal you are able to care for.

There are plenty of other kinds of pets to consider. Sugar gliders are not for everyone.

Recommended Sugar Glider Diets

BML (Basic Modified Leadbeater's) Diet

HPW (High Protein Wambaroo) Diet

Other Proven Diets
